Gunny Bag

Artist: Bandana Jain
Collection: Sculptures

Representing the Expressive Gunny
Bags carrying their own unique
characters in their crumpled look.
How be it their worth is simply
proportionate to what they are holding inside.
Probing the relationship between objects and images, perception and reality, harnessing the unique human capacity to conjure ideas through symbol and sign!
I always find a unique flavour while adding metaphor and making a conversation more articulate. Here I am using the same context by building a distinct vocabulary around everyday items. Here I am exploring the nature of art and representation.
'It's not the outside appearance that defines who you are, but what's inside you that counts.'

Size: 29in x 22in & 55in x 57in
Medium: Corrugated Fibreboard
₹ 50,000
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